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EU-JER is is a, peer reviewed, online academic research journal.

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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
7321 Parkway Drive South, Hanover, MD 21076, USA
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
7321 Parkway Drive South, Hanover, MD 21076, USA

Contact Us

Publisher: Eurasian Society of Educational Research
7321 Parkway Drive South, Hanover, MD 21076, USA
Email:  info@e-ser.org

Please note that the publisher is strictly not involved in the editorial process.

Editorial Office: Ana María Giménez Gualdo, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief
Universidad de Málaga · Avda. Cervantes, 2. 29071 MÁLAGA , SPAIN. 
Email:  editor@eu-jer.com

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