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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
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Volume 9 Issue 1 (January 2020)


Despite its well-documented benefits for training a wide range of professionals, including teacher candidates in almost all content areas, the incorporation of service-learning into foreign language teacher education is relatively new, and most research only dealt with narrative accounts of non-work-related charitable activities. Consequently, this study sought to investigate the impact of the 20-hour peer-tutoring project on the teaching beliefs, community service attitudes, personal and professional development of 14 Turkish EFL teacher candidates. A comparison between their pre- and post-service metaphors revealed a conceptual shift not only in their teaching perspectives from the behaviorist to constructivist paradigm for knowledge acquisition, but also in their community partnership approaches from the unidirectional to reciprocal pattern of altruism towards their tutees. The classification of their written reflections into six types of significant learning demonstrated that despite a relatively greater focus on expressing their foundational knowledge and application practices, a more balanced distribution of learning gains was achieved between the two overarching spheres of academic learning and personal growth, when coursework engagement and multimodal reflections were co-implemented. They reported developing effective teacher dispositions, interpersonal skills and social responsibility, valued intrinsic rewards for their contributions to the youth well-being, and also appreciated the informal professional learning opportunities the peer-tutoring service offered, though without establishing their own learning agendas.

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Pages: 1-17
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Flipped Learning Methodology in Professional Training of Future Language Teachers

tertiary school teaching ukrainian flipped classroom model multimedia-based textbook

Inna Nikitova , Svitlana Kutova , Tetiana Shvets , Olena Pasichnyk , Vitaly Matsko


The purpose of the study was to examine and evaluate the impact the “flipped classroom” model-based learning environment accompanied by multimedia-based textbook entitled “Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)” provides for the language proficiency and learning styles of the university students majoring in language and literature teaching. A multimedia textbook “Ukrainian for Special Purposes” was designed for the study. A multi method approach was used to gather feedback and quantitative methods were used to analyze the data. Specifically, a 2X2 split-plot design was used to analyze the quantitative data and the two-way ANOVA for Mixed Measures was used to designate the main effects for column and row factors and their interaction effect related to the efficacy of the experiment. Textalyzer software was used to process the students’ responses to survey questions. The results reported a shift in student preferences in learning, including a greater desire to engage independently with computer-assisted work, quicker problem solving, increased motivation to study, and improved time management and lifelong learning skills. The study may better inform building the learning process for the students with limited learning opportunities or studying the distance learning model. Despite the experimental group involving only the students majoring in Economics, this methodology could be applicable to teaching Ukrainian for specific purposes to other majors, such as: Psychology, Educational Management, etc. The research is advancing the knowledge of integration multimedia tools into teaching, and specifically the use of multimedia textbooks in the “flipped classroom” settings to deliver the language course to the students majoring in literature and language teaching.

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Pages: 19-31
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Studies have acknowledged computational thinking (CT) as an efficient approach for problem-solving particularly required in digital workplaces. This research aims to identify indicators for a holistic CT assessment instrument for undergraduate students. A three-round fuzzy Delphi study has been conducted to gain comprehensive opinions and consensus from undergraduate lecturers of computer science disciplines and experts from the information technology industry. In round 1, the experts judged a set of predefined indicators describing CT skills and attitudes identified from the literature, while rounds 2 and 3 focused on variables selection. The consensus was achieved on holistic CT, and the indicators are teamwork, communication, spiritual intelligence, generalization, problem-solving, algorithmic thinking, evaluation, abstraction, decomposition, and debugging. Results demonstrate the importance of attitudes in the process of solving a problem and suggest higher education institutions to consider holistic CT in preparing qualified future graduates. Many CT studies focused only on the skills of CT. This study outlines the assessment indicators that consider both CT skills and attitudes, particularly at the undergraduate level.

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Pages: 33-50
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The objective of this research is to describe the practice of mindful leadership at the IABS - Plum Village Buddhist Monastery Upper Hamlet, France, looking at the abbot's pattern and role in developing and managing the Institute of Advanced Buddhist Studies and the monastery. This research uses the approach of qualitative research with the method of a single case study. The research data collection uses the techniques of observation, interview, and documentation study. The research procedure used in this research consists of several research steps utilizing the case study method of Robert K. Yin: research planning, research design, research preparation, research data collection, research data analysis, and doing the research report. The research analysis is done by pattern matching. The data validity testing through data source triangulation and technique triangulation. The result of this research shows that mindful leadership can develop the ability to develop compassion and attention without judgment. The study shows that a leader has compassion towards global issues and can accept with openness. A leader who practices mindfulness for a long time can direct towards openness of one’s self to others. The leader can lead with compassion and care and also understand hi members well. The ability to develop this compassion shows the ability to listen without judgment, not blame, and not discriminate.

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Pages: 51-65
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The article reveals the problem of empirical research of training higher education institutions teachers in the context of the master’s degree programme. This study specifies and adapts the methods of diagnostics, criteria for conducting teacher training which are reasonable, psychologically and pedagogically approved and could be implemented in the institutions of higher education of different profiles. It was found out that the training of a teacher within the boundaries of the master’s degree programme of institutions of higher education is an actual task of three-level training of a specialist in Ukraine and requires a differentiated approach for institutions of higher education of various profiles. The components of the programme, based on their comparative characteristics, the status of teacher training in higher education institutions of different profiles with the application of certain criteria, indicators and levels were determined. Comparative analysis of the results of determining the levels of activity empathy and pedagogical reflection formation at the final stage of the study showed objective differences in teacher training in the context of the master’s degree programme of institutions of higher education of different profiles. The perspective directions of the problem under consideration are the study of the didactic conditions of effective teacher training for the master's degree in higher education and the development of the Concept of master’s training in higher education institutions on this basis, the analysis of the influence of the main factors on the formation of a teacher of a higher educational institution in the context of a master’s degree programme, in the profile professional training.

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Pages: 67-78
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Impact of the Information and Communication Technologies on the Education of Students with Down Syndrome: A Bibliometric Study (2008-2018)

ict down syndrome disability indexations bibliometric study

Jose Maria Fernandez-Batanero , Marta Montenegro-Rueda , Jose Fernandez-Cerero , Inmaculada Garcia-Martinez


This article analyzes the impact of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on students with Down syndrome through the consult of scientific articles published during the 2008 to 2018 period, in five scientific journal databases utilized in the academic world. Through a descriptive and quantitative methodology, the most significant bibliometric data according to citation index is shown. Likewise, a methodology based on the analysis of co-words and clustering techniques is applied through a bibliometric maps, in order to determine the fields of scientific study. The results show that articles published have a medium-low index of impact. There are linked with the importance of using ICT with these students, from educational inclusion and accessibility perspective.

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Pages: 79-89
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The Computer has occupied a comprehensive coverage, especially in education scopes, including in learning-teaching processes, testing, and evaluating. This research aimed to develop computerized adaptive testing (CAT) to measure physics higher-order thinking skills (HOTS), namely PhysTHOTS-CAT. The Research Development used the 4-D developmental model carrying the four phases of define, design, development, and dissemination (4D) developed by Thiagarajan. This testing instrument can give the item test based on the student’s abilities. The research phases include (1) needs analysis and definition, (2) development design (3) development of CAT and assemble the test items into CAT, (4) validation by experts, and (5) feasibility try-out. The findings show that PhysTHOTS-CAT is valid to measure physics HOTS of the 10th-grade students of Senior High School according to 82.28% of teachers and students assessment on PhysTHOTS-CAT content and media. Therefore, it can conclude that PhysTHOTS-CAT can be used and feasible to measure physics HOTS of the 10th-grade students of the Senior High School.

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Pages: 91-101
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The purpose of this study is to develop an Interpersonal Mindfulness Scale-TR (IMS-TR) for Turkish culture. For the data collection process, four different sample groups participated in the study. To test the construct validity of the scale an exploratory factor analysis was performed. Results suggested a 13-item, two-factor solution as (1) awareness and (2) being in the moment. Two-factor structure explains 50.65% of the variance. A confirmatory factor analysis results showed good fit for two-factor solution. The Mindfulness in Parenting Questionnaire and the Mindfulness in Marriage Scale were used to examine a convergent validity and positive significant relationships were found between the scales. To test the reliability of the scale Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient of the overall scale was determined to be .826. To determine the stability coefficient of the IMS-TR, test-retest method was used and according to result there is a positive relationship between the scales. According to all of these results, it can be said that the IMS-TR has a validity and reliability.

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Pages: 103-115
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This study aimed to describe seven indicators of students’ verbal linguistic intelligence in reading subject. It used a qualitative research method. The subjects of this study were 30 students consisted of 9 male and 21 female students. They took the reading subject in the second semester of the first year. They were given a test of verbal-linguistic intelligence. Seven students were selected to be interviewed because they have verbal-linguistic intelligence and good communication. To find out the validity of the data, the researchers used triangulation of the test results and the results of interviews and triangulation of the second researcher and research assistants. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using the content analysis method which consisted of three steps, they were data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of the study show that there were seven indicators of verbal-linguistic intelligence of students in reading subject, first, having excellent initial knowledge in mentioning words, second, enjoying wordplay with Scrabble, third, entertaining themselves and other students by playing tongue twisters, fourth, explaining the meaning of the words written and discussed, fifth, having difficulties in mathematics lesson, sixth, their conversation refers to something they have read and heard, and the last, having the ability to write poetry based on personal experience.

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Pages: 117-128
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This study investigated the development of problem-solving strategies demonstrated by 42 elementary pre-service mathematics teachers in problem-solving mathematics classes. The study used a mixed methods approach of quantitative and qualitative research by analyzing the collected data.. The quantitative portion calculates the frequencies and percentage of the participants’ responses to the problems posed in three different phases of the intervention: before, during, and after receiving the mathematics lessons. The qualitative approach was used for in-depth investigation to describe various mathematical problem-solving strategies demonstrated by participants across the three different research phases. Findings of the study indicated a limited number of problem-solving strategies present during the first phase of research such as “use arithmetic operation strategy,” and “make a drawing strategy,”. During the implementation of the problem-solving lessons and classroom discussion, the participants began to develop more strategies such as  “use logical reasoning,” “solve a simpler problem,” “guess and check,” “organize data in a table or a list,” “look for a pattern,” “work backwards,” and “solve an equation,”. However, the research findings nonetheless revealed participants’ weakness in applying the variety of skills required for success in problem solving, such as interpreting information, mathematical working, and logical thinking. Results also demonstrated a limited and incorrect use of mathematical terminology, as well as a lack of problem comprehension. The discussion of the study addresses different features and issues related to mathematical problem-solving strategies. In light of its findings, this study presents recommendations and suggestions for the future development of pre-service teachers’ problem-solving strategies.

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Pages: 129-141
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The empowerment of metacognitive skills has an important role in increasing the capacity of critical thinking and active control of students' cognitive processes in learning. Metacognitive skills can be enhanced through the implementation of learning strategies involving higher-order thinking. The RQA, ADI, RQA integrated with ADI are constructivistic learning strategies that can accommodate these skills. The researches specifically examining the correlation between metacognitive skills and critical thinking skills at the implementation of RQA, ADI, and RQA integrated with ADI learning strategies are still rarely found. This research is a correlational research, aiming at revealing the correlation between metacognitive skills and critical thinking skills. The data of metacognitive skills and critical thinking skills are collected by using a valid and reliable essay test. The samples of this research are the fourth semester (IV) biology education students programming Animal Physiology course in the 2016/2017 academic year consisting of 109 students. The results of this research show that (1) there was a significant correlation between metacognitive skills and critical thinking skills at the implementation of the four learning strategies, (2) the regression equations analyzed using Anova obtain regression lines (not coincide), and non parallel regression lines (intersected); meaning that there is a difference in the increase rate and magnitude of the critical thinking skills influenced by the four learning strategies. It is expected that the teachers and the lecturers always strive to improve the quality of the learning process through the implementation of active and constructive learning strategies.

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Pages: 143-163
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The article addresses the problem of gainful employment undertaken during full-time studies. It analyzes the importance of students’ motivations to work and the selected effects of combining studies and work. It refers to areas that have not yet been investigated by other researchers. The data used in the article come from the survey conducted by the author at the Faculty of Economics, at the University of Economics in Katowice through 2014-2017. The study revealed a strong relationship between the motivations to start work during studies and the following factors: the alignment of a chosen job to the field of study, the opportunity to develop new skills and competencies valued on the labor market, the willingness to continue working for the same employer after graduation, and an employer’s intention to employ a student after graduation. Another connection was identified between the character of the work performed by students and their readiness to change if given another opportunity. The relationship, albeit relatively weak, was also confirmed between the character of the work performed and difficulties experienced by students with combining work with studies and the ability to maintain a balance between time assigned to studying, work and leisure.

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Pages: 165-177
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Projection in Education: Conditions for the Sustainable Development of Vietnamese Education

projection in education educational development condition sustainable development vietnamese education

Do Dinh-Thai , Giang Thien-Vu , Huynh Van-Son , Nguyen Thanh-Huan , Nguyen Vinh-Khuong


Projection in education is one of the important bases for the implementation of the sustainable and crucial strategies to ensure the development of national education, including Vietnam. As a country in Southeast Asia with the distinctive characteristics of culture and history, Vietnam has the certain advantages and disadvantages in the development of education. In this study, the projection of Vietnamese students of each school level in the period of 2015 – 2035, was referred in comparison with the projection of the teacher resource in all school levels as one of the conditions for the basic educational development in Vietnam. The study was conducted using an integrated projection in education’s formula, combined with a census (birth rate - for students; the number of teachers from Department of Education and Training’s reports, the pedagogy students prepare for graduation - for teachers) from 32 provinces and cities of Vietnam and analyzed on the rate of population change over the years. The results showed that the shortage of the teacher resource (especially the preschool teachers) and the erratic increase in the number of the children born in the good years according to the Eastern concept were the anxious issues when developing Vietnamese education and integrating into the global development trend.

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Pages: 179-185
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The purpose of this research was to carry out an interdisciplinary art education activity with Turkish coffee and to evaluate the views of prospective teachers. For this aim, an integrated single case study design with a qualitative research approach was used. The study group consisted of twenty prospective social studies teachers. A questionnaire and semi-structured observation form were used as data collection tools. The data obtained were grouped under specific codes and categories and interpreted with a descriptive analysis approach. The visualised combination of the experiences, feelings and thoughts that the prospective teachers acquired through the natural colour content of coffee and the synthetic content of paints enabled the formation of a great variety of visual effects. The research findings show that prospective teachers gained aesthetic values through these visual effects. The integration of Turkish coffee with creative drama and painting also enabled the students to increase their awareness regarding Turkish coffee as an intangible cultural heritage in the social studies curriculum. Furthermore, it may ensure the dissemination of activities that involve the use of natural materials together with artificial materials for artistic purposes in all fields of teacher education.

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Pages: 187-202
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Emotional Intelligence of Elementary Scholar: Instructional Strategy and Personality Tendency

students' emotional intelligence elementary school students' learning strategies students' personality types

Nilawati Tadjuddin , Robingatin Robingatin , Meriyati Meriyati , Eti Hadiati , Rifda El Fiah , Ahmad Walid , Widayanti Widayanti


Each child has a different personality type of tendency. Personality type is closely related to emotional intelligence. Through this study, we report the analysis results of the effects of personality type tendencies and the application of learning strategies in controlling the emotional intelligence of elementary school students. This study uses the quasi-experimental method with a 2x2 factorial design in data collection. Data analysis used was a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. Research findings show that students with extrovert tendencies personality are better than students with introvert personality types. The application of inquiry strategies in learning is better at controlling emotional intelligence than the application of expository strategies.

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Pages: 203-213
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Psychometric and Structural Evaluation of the Physics Metacognition Inventory Instrument

psychometric evaluation physics metacognition inventory problem solving

Haeruddin Haeruddin , Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo , Supahar Supahar , Elisa Sesa , Gazali Lembah


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the psychometric and structural instruments of the Physics Metacognition Inventory (PMI) developed by Taasoobshirazi, Bailey, and Farley (2015). The PMI consists of 26 items in six factors. The English and Indonesian versions were tested on an English course (N = 37) in the Geophysics study program at Tadulako University. The trials were conducted separately within a two-week interval. The data collected from 364 students of the Physics Education Department, University of Tadulako were analyzed using the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). Later, data were collected from 351 students of some Indonesian universities which have physics education study programs, and the data were analyzed using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The EFA result reveals six factors based on the rotation result with the maximum loading factor. The CFA result shows the RMSEA values of .018, 2 (284) = 316.32 (χ2 / df = 1,11), GFI = .93, CFI = .99, AGFI = .92 and NFI = .93 which meet the cut-off statistic value, and therefore, the model is considered fit, with the Construct Reliability Estimation (CR) of .93, Composite Reliability of  = .95, and maximum reliability of Ω = .96. The results obtained reveal that the PMI scale has good, valid and reliable psychometric properties. Therefore, PMI can be used to measure the level of metacognition of students when solving physics problems. Future studies using PMI are also discussed.

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Pages: 215-225
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Implementation Supplementary Book of Green Consumerism: Improving Students HOTS in Environmental Learning

environmental learning hots supplementary book of green consumerism

Ilmi Zajuli Ichsan , Diana Vivanti Sigit , Mieke Miarsyah , Ahmad Ali , Tri Suwandi , Titin


Environmental learning in the 21st century must be contextual and require the ability of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) to solve environmental problems such as green consumerism. The purpose of this study was to implement an Android-based Supplementary Book of Green Consumerism (SBGC) to improve students' HOTS abilities in environmental learning. The method used experiment with a sample of 144 students in 8th grade of Junior High School. Students divided into 72 students in control classes and 72 students in experimental classes. The treatment given was in the form of using SBGC in the experimental classes. The results showed that the students HOTS score increased significantly in the pre-post test in the experimental class or when compared to the control class. Increased in the experimental classes from a score 15.7 (very low) to 32.73 (low). Meanwhile, when compared between the experimental classes with a score 32.73 (low) and control classes with a score 25.25 (very low). This showed that SBGC is easy to understand. SBGC is also interesting so that makes students become active in learning. The conclusion of this study was that SBGC can increased students' HOTS in environmental learning.

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Pages: 227-237
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Methods of education in schools should promote students' activeness, self-awareness, initiative and creativity; be suitable with the characteristics of each class and subject; foster self-study methods, ability to work in groups, practice skills to apply knowledge into practice, and impact emotions to bring joy as well as excitement to students. Experiential education is a method of teaching and meets the above requirements. In fact, experiential activities are closely related to teaching and educational activities in schools, in order to create an environment for learners, associate theory with practice, and unify awareness with action and learners, and have the opportunity to experience their own behavior. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of activities through experience in solving problems about the equation of a circle and investigate students' attitudes as well as beliefs in such activities. The experimental class included 30 10th grade students and was taught by experiential learning model, while the control class also had 30 students and was taught in a conventional way of teacher’s guidance. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to analyze and evaluate the collected data. The results showed that the experimental class achieved better mathematical results than the control class as well as had a positive learning attitude, showing interest in the learning topic.

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Pages: 239-255
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This research study presents the PGBE model for teaching and learning percentages with students of Grade 7 when their cognitive development enables the conceptual understanding of percentages as proportional statements, and offers the possibility for more effective matching of them with fractions and decimal numbers. The abbreviation PGBE presents the interrelation of the poster method and three instructional models through which different types of students’ mathematical knowledge about percentages can be built. Hence, P stands for the poster method through which the recognition of students’ previous knowledge about percentages can be done, G represents different grids that can be used for building concrete type of knowledge about them; B signifies the bar model for developing students’ proportional understanding of percentages, and E represents the extended bar model for fostering students’ principled-conceptual understanding of percentages. The effectiveness of the implementation of the PGBE model is assessed by organizing two cycles of piloting and conducting the experimental method with 263 students of ten Grade 7 classes. The results of the study show that the implementation of the PGBE model has had an impact on the learning of students, stimulating an in-depth learning and a long lasting knowledge about percentages for this cohort of students.

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Pages: 257-276
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Stress is inevitable in the world of teaching and practicum training and therefore, student teachers naturally incur a certain level of stress due to the demands for them to use various knowledge and skills in real school and classroom environment. Hence, practicum stress needs to be addressed accordingly. The central focus of this study is using a partial least square-structural equation modeling to explore the inter-relationships among the student teachers’ personal resources to mitigate practicum stress. A sample of 200 student teachers selected by purposive sampling from teacher education institutions in Sabah, Malaysia was used in this study. This study collected data via survey methods using a questionnaire developed from several existing scales. Findings showed that emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and subjective well-being were able to explain resilience with good predictive accuracy and relevance but poorly for practicum stress. These findings were suggestive of the need to include additional constructs to explain perceived practicum stress better in future exploratory research.

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Pages: 277-291
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The Development of Computerized Economics Item Banking for Classroom and School-Based Assessment

item banking cbt assessment economics

Friyatmi , Djemari Mardapi , Haryanto , Elvi Rahmi


The advancement of information and technology resulted in the change in conventional test methods. The weaknesses of the paper-based test can be minimized using the computer-based test (CBT). The development of a CBT desperately needs a computerized item bank. This study aimed to develop a computerized item bank for classroom and school-based assessments. A research and development method is used in this study, which consisted of four phases, i.e., planning, item development, system development, and field testing. Data is collected through documentation, expert judgment, and field testing. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and item response theory. The sample of this study was teachers and high school students in West Sumatera province selected using purposive random sampling techniques. The results of the study are as follows. 1) The computerized item bank has excellent quality based on expert validation. 2) There are 120 items inputted into the item bank system that has a moderate difficulty and good discriminant index based on item response theory. 3) The field testing indicated the computerized economics item banking has high effectiveness of usability, usefulness for the teachers, and feasible for classroom and school-based assessment.

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Pages: 293-303
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Inclusive education as a curricular trend is implemented by countries as an action taken in response to the collective call of the Salamanca Statement. It carries the tenet that all learners should be educated alongside their peers regardless of physical, cognitive, socio-emotional, and economic, language, cultural, and other perceived differences. School children, as peers of children with special needs, are co-implementers of the inclusive agenda. Young children are competent, possess their views and agencies, and have nascent characteristics that promote inclusion. As such, it is essential to explore how knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and ethics can further be developed and refined for the sake of creating an inclusive community through integrating them in the school curriculum. This paper sought to analyse the articulation of inclusive concepts and expressions in the K-curriculum and strategies utilized by the teachers to reinforce them. Two documents were analysed in this study to address the research questions: (a) prescribed k-curriculum currently used in the Philippines (b) interview transcripts of the key informants. Through content analysis, results of the study revealed that several inclusive concepts and expressions are articulated in the kindergarten curriculum across domains and are reinforced by teachers using varied strategies. Recommendations of the study are discussed.

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Pages: 305-317
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Low Carbon Education: A Review and Bibliometric Analysis

bibliometric analysis low carbon low carbon education low carbon society

Muhammad Nur Hudha , Ida Hamidah , Anna Permanasari , Ade Gafar Abdullah , Indriyani Rachman , Toru Matsumoto


The concept of low carbon education is one solution to provide knowledge to students related to low carbon behavior. The purpose of this paper is providing an extensive bibliometric literature review on 'low carbon education'. Articles found by Publishing or Perish (PoP) software with the Google Scholar database. There were 55 out of 97 articles found from Google Scholar data base ranging from 2014 to 2019 analyzed in this study. The chosen references were then managed using a referencing manager software namely Zotero. After managing the database, this study classified and visualized it using VOSviewer software. Overall, this review provides an appropriate reference point for further research on 'low carbon education'.

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Pages: 319-329
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The amount of empirical research conducted in the area of differentiated instruction (DI) is overwhelming, necessitating this bibliometric analysis in order to produce an overview of literature on the topic. The objective of this study is to identify the characteristics of the most-cited educational research published on the topic of DI using science mapping and multi-dimensional bibliometric analysis methods. To answer the research questions which were related to: i) publication, ii) authorship, iii) authors’ keywords, and iv) journals, a total of 100 articles published between 1990 and 2018, generated from SCOPUS, were analysed. The results showed that the most-cited articles and the number of publications were highest between 1995 and 2011. With a total of 545 citations “A Time for Telling”, published in the Journal of Cognition and Instruction (1998), was the most cited. The most significant keywords were: a) differentiated instruction, b) differentiation, c) curriculum, d) mathematics, and e) reading. The analysis showed that there were 283 authors who contributed to the 100 articles, and amongst them Carol McDonald Connor was the greatest contributor. It was also revealed that the great majority of the most-cited publications were from Q1-ranked journals. These findings inform scholarly efforts adopted in developing a diverse knowledge base in the field. The findings are important to scholars as they provide an overview of the progress of research on the topic of DI.

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Pages: 331-349
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University attempts to respond to globalization to build international trust by conducting internationalization as the bridge of their selected strategies. The efforts needed to build international trust are promotion strategies. This study aims to elaborate the effective promotion strategies in Jenderal Soedirman University, Indonesia. The data were collected by some deep interviews, observation, and documentation. The result shows that the promotion strategies includes, first, the university’s direction to be recognized globally by a strong vision, international accreditation for its study programs, and being the center of special studies. Second, the university publicizes the university’s programs, activities, excellence, and uniqueness through printed or online media, foreign institutions, and individuals. Third, the university initiates international collaborations with foreign universities and institutions by building good interpersonal communication, forming teams for international collaborations, initiating activities to build trust among individuals, and getting involved in international events. Last, the university offers scholarships for foreign students to increase inbound students.

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Pages: 351-361
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The Involvement of Gender in STEM Training for Teachers

stem stem education teachers training integrated teaching

Duc Hoi Dinh , Quang Linh Nguyen


According to General Statistics Office of Vietnam on 30th September, 2017, Vietnam has 858,800 teachers, and among those, 615,720 people were female (occupied 71.7%). It can be seen that female teachers made up a big percentage in the education sector. Besides, STEM education is soaring as a new approach in training with prominent advantages, such as: theories embedded in actual practices, ability-oriented development, pressure reduction in studying … This is not only a trend but also a necessary element in new teaching modules at high school – which will be implemented in academic year 2020-2021 in Vietnam. As a result, it is necessary to consider the gender factor in the process of training and developing teaching with STEM education. This paper will present the results from the research that took place from 2015 to 2018 within Thai Nguyen University of Education.

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Pages: 363-373
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The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning and Aptitude Treatment Interaction in Improving Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills on Curriculum 2013

problem based learning aptitude treatment interaction creative mathematical thinking skills

Ruhban Maskur , Sumarno , Yasinta Rahmawati , Kenny Pradana , Muhamad Syazali , Ari Septian , Endah Kinarya Palupi


The development of the revolution era 4.0 which increasingly rapidly demands the wider community to have the ability to think creatively mathematically. One effort to improve the ability to think creatively is through quality education. Quality education can be improved through to train thinking using the right learning model. This study aims to see which results are more effective in improving students' thinking skills between the two learning models applied. The two models are Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) models. This research method uses quasi experimental method with a posttest only control test design not control group. This study uses two group subjects with two experimental classes. The analysis of the data used the hypothesis testing of the non-correlated 2-sample t-test. Based on the research results obtained Aptitude Treatment Interaction (ATI) models have a better effect on students' creative thinking abilities compared to Problem Based Learning (PBL) models.

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Pages: 375-383
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This study was intended to describe the relation between students’ reasoning and their ethnicities. Comparison between the argumentative writings written by Javanese and Bataknese students - two of the ethnics found in Indonesia- was conducted to seek shared and variation of reasoning between the two ethnics. Interpretation on the results of such comparison was made in order to find out the relation between reasoning and ethnicity. To achieve the objective, a descriptive qualitative research design was applied. Twenty students consisting of 10 Javanese and 10 Bataknese were involved in the study. They were assigned to write 20 argumentative writing. Qualitative data analysis was applied to analyze the 20 argumentative writing. The result of the study showed that both Javanese and Bataknese students shared common patterns of arguments in terms of text structure, reasoning, and affective appeal. Meanwhile, difference in cultural value between Bataknese and Javanese students caused minor variation (differences) in text structure of argumentative writing in two aspects namely in developing thesis statement and drawing conclusion. Ethnicity’s relation to variation in argumentative writing is limited to the two aspects: to the writing of thesis statement and drawing conclusion.

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Pages: 385-394
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The syntactic complexities of English sentence structures induced the Indonesian students’ sentence-level accuracies blurred. Reciprocally, the meanings conveyed are left hanging. The readers are increasingly at sixes and sevens. The Sentence Crimes were, therefore, the major essences of diagnosing the students’ sentence-level inaccuracies in this study. This study aimed at diagnosing the 2nd-year PNP ED students’ SCs as the writers of English Paragraph Writing at the Writing II course. Qualitatively, both observation and documentation were the instruments of collecting the data while the 1984 Miles & Huberman’s Model and the 1973 Corder’s Clinical Elicitation were employed to analyse the data as regards the SCs produced by the students. The findings designated that the major sources of the students’ SCs were the subordinating/dependent clauses (noun, adverb, and relative clauses), that-clauses, participle phrases, infinitive phrases, lonely verb phrases, an afterthought, appositive fragments, fused sentences, and comma splices. As a result, the SCs/fragments flopped to communicate complete thoughts because they were grammatically incorrect; lacked a subject, a verb; the independent clauses ran together without properly using punctuation marks, conjunctions or transitions; and two or more independent clauses were purely joined by commas but failed to consider using conjunctions. In conclusion, the success of the Indonesian and or other EFL students constructs sentences rests upon the knowledge, sensitivity and the mastery of complex syntactic structures through transformational/structural grammar.

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Pages: 395-411
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Measurement of Metacognition: Adaptation of Metacognitive State Inventory in Spanish to Mexican University Students

metacognition self-regulation metacognitive state inventory inventory

Luz Marina Mendez-Hinojosa , Magaly Cardenas-Rodriguez , Cesar Alejandro Ortiz-Paez


Some of the most important skills of university students is to develop the capacity to resolve problems posed by their communities, which implies that students become independent, autonomous and self-regulated. Also they need to be capable of monitor, asses and modify their learning through their own process of metacognition, this way they can develop the required knowledge and improve their learning. To analyze it, the objective of this research is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Metacognitive State Inventory in Mexican university students. For this reason, the Metacognitive State Inventory was applied to 908 students. To confirm a second order hierarchy model with four first order factors, confirmatory factor analysis was used (CFA).Four items were eliminated to obtain a better model fit. Internal consistency was accessed through McDonald's omega coefficient. In this way, evidence of the construct validity and reliability of the instrument was provided. The Inventory of the Metacognitive State was correlated with the CEVEAPEU Questionnaire, obtaining significant positive correlations between both instruments, thus providing certainty of convergent validity.

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Pages: 413-421
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Research productivity plays an important role in the prestige and reputation among higher education institutions. However, the time spent to do research among Filipino academics is the most pressing issue since they can barely meet the requirement for research productivity. Further, the lack of time for data gathering aggravated the drawbacks for research productivity. Data gathering is at the core of almost all research activity, the absence of factual and reliable data will lead to an invalid and illogical inference. In research years, there has been a massive agglomeration of data in large volumes coming from diverse sources pertaining to almost all facets of human activity which is worthy of investigation- known today as Big Data. This research has two (2) main objectives; the first is to find out the underlying reasons why Filipino academics are not enthusiastic to do research. The second is to evaluate the value of big data utilization for research productivity based on the assessment of the faculty members. This research used the Rasch model to measure the responses of Filipino academics with regards to their reasons for not doing enough research work as well as on their assessment for value creation of big data utilization using a polytomous item response selection scale.

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Pages: 423-431
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In this study we aimed to investigate the role of hope, secure attachment with the parents, and satisfaction levels of the basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence and relatedness) of university students in predicting their happiness levels. A total of 558 university students were recruited and 70% of them were female and 30% of them were male. Ages of the participants ranged from 18 to 29. The data were collected in classroom settings using personal information form, the Oxford Happiness Scale, the Attachment with the Parents Scale, the Basic Psychological Needs Scale, and the Dispositional Hope Scale. Results indicated that that the satisfaction levels of the competence needs were the most powerful predictor of happiness among university students. The satisfaction levels of autonomy, relatedness needs, and a secure attachment to the father, along with hope contributed little to the explanation of happiness; whereas, a secure attachment to the mother was not a predictor of happiness of the university students. The findings were discussed within the framework of the developmental characteristics of university students and the characteristics of collectivist societies.

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Pages: 433-444
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