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Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS
Eurasian Society of Educational Research
Christiaan Huygensstraat 44, Zipcode:7533XB, Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS

'apos theory' Search Results


Spatial thinking has roles to facilitate learners to remember, understand, reason, and communicate objects and the connections among objects that are represented in space. This research aims to analyze the spatial thinking process of students in constructing new knowledge seen from the field-independent cognitive style learners based on Action-Process-Object-Schema (APOS) theory. APOS theory is used to explore spatial thinking processes which consist of mental structures of action, process, object, and schema. This research is qualitative research with an exploratory method. It provided the students' opportunity to solve problems alternately until the method found the most appropriate subjects for the research objectives. The subjects were 2 students of Mathematics Education in the fourth semester of Universitas Muria Kudus Indonesia. The data collection techniques were started by distributing the validated and reliable spatial thinking questions, the cognitive style question, and the interview. The applied data analysis consisted of data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The findings showed (1) spatial thinking process of holistic-external representation typed learners were indicated by the representative thinking element, abstract-illustrative figure expression to communicate and complete the tasks correctly, (2) spatial thinking process of the holistic-internal representation typed learners were indicated by the representative means, having ideas, connecting with the previous knowledge in the forms of symbols and numbers, and finding the final results correctly although incomplete.

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Pages: 1807-1823
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The skill to solve mathematical problems facilitates students to develop their basic skills to solve problems in daily life. This study analyzes students' problem-solving process with a reflective cognitive style in constructing probability problems using action, process, object, and schema theory (APOS). The explanatory method was used in this qualitative study. The participants were mathematics students at the Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Semarang. The researchers collected the data with the cognitive style test using the Matching Familiar Figure Test (MFFT), used a valid problem-solving skill test, and the interview questions. The data analysis techniques used were processing and preparing the data for analysis, extensive reading of the data, coding all data, applying the coding process, describing the data, and interpreting the data. The results showed that (1) the problem-solving process of students with symbolic representation was characterized by the use of mathematical symbols to support the problem-solving process in the problem representation phase; (2) the problem-solving process of students with symbolic-visual representation was characterized by the use of symbols, notations, numbers, and visual representation in the form of diagrams in the problem representation phase.

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Pages: 41-58
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Generalization of Patterns Drawing of High-Performance Students Based on Action, Process, Object, and Schema Theory

apos generalization high-performance pattern drawing

Andi Mulawakkan Firdaus , Wasilatul Murtafiah , Marheny Lukitasari , Nurcholif Diah Sri Lestari , Tias Ernawati , Sri Adi Widodo


This study is qualitative with descriptive and aims to determine the process of generalizing the pattern image of high performance students based on the action, process, object, and schema (APOS) theory. The participants in this study were high performance eighth-grade Indonesian junior high school. Assignments and examinations to gauge mathematical aptitude and interviews were used to collect data for the study. The stages of qualitative analysis include data reduction, data presentation, and generating conclusions. This study showed that when given a sequence using a pattern drawing, the subjects used a number sequence pattern to calculate the value of the next term. Students in the action stage interiorize and coordinate by collecting prints from each sequence of numbers in the process stage. After that, they do a reversal so that at the object stage, students do encapsulation, then decapsulate by evaluating the patterns observed and validating the number series patterns they find. Students explain the generalization quality of number sequence patterns at the schema stage by connecting activities, processes, and objects from one concept to actions, processes, and things from other ideas. In addition, students carry out thematization at the schematic stage by connecting existing pattern drawing concepts with general sequences. From these results, it is recommended to improve the problem-solving skill in mathematical pattern problems based on problem-solving by high performance students', such as worksheets for students.

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Pages: 421-433
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The Effectiveness of Teaching Derivatives in Vietnamese High Schools Using APOS Theory and ACE Learning Cycle

academic achievement ace learning cycle apos theory derivative mathematics education

Nguyen Thi Nga , Tang Minh Dung , Le Thai Bao Thien Trung , Tien-Trung Nguyen , Duong Huu Tong , Tran Quoc Van , Bui Phuong Uyen


The actions, processes, objects, and schemas (APOS) theory is a constructivist learning theory created by Dubinsky based on Piaget's epistemology and used to teach math worldwide. Especially the application of APOS theory to the curriculum of a mathematics class helps students better understand the concepts being taught, which in turn contributes to the formation and development of mathematical competencies. With the aid of the APOS theory and the activity, classroom discussion, and exercise (ACE) learning cycle, this study sought to ascertain the effect of teaching derivatives in Vietnamese high schools. In this quasi-experimental study at a high school in Vietnam, there were 78 grade 11 students (40 in the experimental and 38 in the control classes). As opposed to the control class, which received traditional instruction, the experimental class's students were taught using the ACE learning cycle based on the APOS theory. The data was collected based on the pre-test, the post-test results and a survey of students' opinions. Also, the data that was gathered, both qualitatively and quantitatively, was examined using IBM SPSS Statistics (Version 26) predictive analytics software. The results showed that students in the experimental class who participated in learning activities based on the APOS theory improved their academic performance and attitudes. Additionally, it promoted the students' abilities to find solutions to problems about derivatives.

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Pages: 507-523
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visibility 830
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This article examines the influence of the university environment and learning programs on students' entrepreneurial intentions and attitudes, considering the moderating roles of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and locus of control. The empirical analysis employs a multilevel (hierarchical) linear model, utilizing responses from 713 students across 30 universities in Kazakhstan who participated in the GUESSS 2021 project survey. Our findings reveal that students' entrepreneurial intentions are directly influenced by entrepreneurial self-efficacy and locus of control. However, the locus of control is also indirectly influenced by the university environment and learning program. The learning program's effect on both entrepreneurial aspirations and attitudes is mediated by self-efficacy. Locus of control, conversely, negatively affects both entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions in program learning. The study's results underscore that student entrepreneurship is shaped by personal factors such as self-efficacy and locus of control, alongside the university context. Interestingly, the findings also indicate interdependencies between these factors, further influencing students' entrepreneurial intentions and attitudes.

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Pages: 1539-1554
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visibility 1432
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New Challenges of Learning Accounting With Artificial Intelligence: The Role of Innovation and Trust in Technology

artificial intelligence online learning perceived trust personal innovativeness technology adoption

Ayatulloh Michael Musyaffi , Bobur Sobirov Baxtishodovich , Bambang Afriadi , Muhammad Hafeez , Maulana Amirul Adha , Sandi Nasrudin Wibowo


Online learning has become increasingly popular, making the learning process more attractive. One of the most popular learning media is artificial intelligence (AI). However, students do not accept this technology at all. Therefore, this study examined the factors influencing accounting students' acceptance of AI in learning. The survey was conducted with 147 higher-education students who use AI as a learning medium. The data were analyzed using SmartPLS 4.0 with the partial least square approach. The results showed that perceived usefulness influenced behavioral intention to use and satisfaction. However, perceived ease of use was only significant for satisfaction. Similarly, perceived confidence must be consistent with intention. Although it may influence perceived usefulness, other constructs, such as AI quality and personal innovativeness, can increase students' perceptions of the benefits and convenience of adopting AI in learning. Thus, this study contributes to the development of the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the information systems success model and is helpful to scholars, especially in applying AI in learning. They need to pay attention to the quality of AI, such as the accuracy of the information produced. Thus, the need to control the information from the AI only serves as a reference without requiring you to trust it completely.

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Pages: 183-195
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visibility 1141
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